SQUEEZE and UNSQUEEZE --------------------- (c) 1987 by Don Elton Carolina System Software Permission is hereby granted for you to make any use of these programs as you see fit provided that you give credit to the author in your documentation if you should resell these programs. SQ3 and USQ2 are ProDOS 8 System programs used to either compress or decompress individual ProDOS files of any type. Each program will prompt you with: SOURCE, DESTINATION: At this prompt you are to enter two prodos pathnames. The first is the file to be processed and the second is the file to be created as a result of the processing. In the case of SQ3, both paths are mandatory. In the case of USQ2 you can leave off the destination path if you want the new file saved using the name that was used when the file was originally squeezed. Note that in some cases this will not result in a valid prodos pathname.. particularly if you're unsqueezing a file that was originally squeezed with a version of SQ that runs on another computer or operating system such as MS-DOS, UNIX, or CP/M. In these cases you will need to specify both pathnames. Note that files you squeeze under Apple ProDOS 8 using SQ3 can be unsqueezed later with the appropriate version of USQ on MS-DOS, UNIX, or CP/M computers. You may also unsqueeze files with USQ2 that were originally squeezed no other computers running different operating systems. SQ3 uses the popular Huffman algorithm for file compression combined with run length encoding. This means that files that have lots of repeated byte sequences (such as graphics files) or files that use a limited character set (such as text or source files) will compress more efficiently than binary files. Text or graphics files may compress to as little as 40% of their original size while binary files may actually grow in some cases. For information about Carolina System Software shareware products write to Carolina System Software, 3207 Berkeley Forest Drive, Columbia, SC 29209. )Mc(0fn)Pn)ntPnu` 1t